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Tumours & HBOT

Updated: Dec 2, 2024

I am a female aged 51. When I was 49 I was diagnosed with Invasive lobular carcinoma, 2 tumours with metastasis to lymph node. Stage 2.

Biopsies of cancer can irritate the site and in my case the biopsies caused, the tumours to grow larger.

The NHS told me there would

be a high chance of recurrence after 'successful' surgery, I was therefore drawn to try other non-toxic therapies first.

I very quickly signed up for Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy- HBOT sessions, 5 days a week as I knew of its impressive healing capabilities. I also tried experimental immunotherapy privately amongst other things. I continued HBOT 5 days a week for over a year.

That year I had lots of energy, slept better, was in a good mood, my

focus improved and the tumours reduced by 50% with no detectable disease in my lymph nodes. However, the next scan showed tumours starting to grow and I opted for surgery. After surgery, I continued with Hyperbaric oxygen sessions which helped heal a 6cm necrosis from surgery in record time.

The nurses and surgeons were surprised at the level of wound healing achieved. I believe HBOT strengthens and supports the immune system and therefore all healing. I have continued HBOT on a less intense timetable for the prevention of a recurrence. I did not do chemo and radiation as the expected benefit would have been negligible in my case.

My journey was unique to me, and while I chose to delay surgery, that

might be dangerous for someone else. I had extensively researched

treatment options prior to my diagnosis, my tumours were slow growing,

I was being monitored regularly, and I was under a Rav's guidance


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