Our son was born at 26 weeks weighing only 1kg, immediately he was rushed into the NICU. Within the first few days of his life, he had a grade 3 brain bleed, the doctors monitored the bleed and it resolved itself with no need for a shunt, however, due to the bleed he did sustain brain damage.
Our son finally came home from the hospital at three and a half months, however, he was in his world and showed no response or attention to anything that was happening around him.
When our son was 8 months we started Oxychai (HBOT therapy). Already after 25 sessions (out of 40) he was a different child he was more alert and responsive and was emerging out of his shell. I received a lot of comments from his therapists and relatives on what a changed baby he was, so much more alive and alert.
After taking a year break from HBOT we started another round of 40 sessions. We saw wonderful results. Until now we had no idea how he was feeling when he was sad or happy but now has the ability to display his emotions clearly and let us know. Our child is a lot easier to relate to, now that he is aware of his surroundings and is able to show us his feelings. Lastly, our son is able to grasp objects and hold onto them with his hands and is even able to bang objects together with both hands. He can also go on all fours and swims across the floor to get from place to place and is nearly sitting up by himself!
I recently started Oxychai sessions again. My little boy is now three and he has done a few blocks of oxygen therapy. I would like to share with you the amazing differences that we have seen now that he has finished. My little boy is now able to walk with a walker, his pre-communication skills have developed and he understands so much more than previously. I feel that Oxychai sessions help all my son's therapies fall into place. Oxygen therapy helps my son to make progress in occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and SALT much faster. It is even worth my son to miss some time in school as Oxychai gives him the boost to make big leaps in his progress.
Mrs L. (Manchester)