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Wandering Traveler

Multiple Sclerosis

What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS) ?

MS is a degenerative disease that attacks the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS includes the brain, spinal chord and nerves that branch from them. With this condition the immune system attacks the myelin sheath which is the protective tissue that is wrapped around the nerve or the cells that produce and maintain the myelin sheath. This results in inflammation and injury to the nerve sheath and nerve fibres that surround it.


The immune system of those who suffer from MS attack the myelin sheath which protects the nerve cells. This attack causes inflammation and injury to the nerve sheath and ultimately to the nerve fibres that surround it. These sits of damage are also known as internal wounds, these wounds then proceed through the healing stages but will leave some degree of scarring. Multiple sclerosis scars can lead to different symptoms depending on the severity of the degeneration.


There is no known cause for MS yet, so many around the world are diagnosed with this condition every day. Progression of MS symptoms can either be slow neurological decline of severe decline. Patients can then have months or years of remission where there is no progression of the condition and then suddenly have flare ups which can last several days/months.  Relapses are hard to treat and some patients develop permanent scarring from the flare ups. The most common symptoms of MS include fatigue, difficulty walking, weak bladder control, numbness and tingling, pain and weakness.



How can Oxygen therapy treat patients with MS?


Oxygen therapy is the combination of increased pressure together with 100% oxygen. The oxygen-rich plasma is able to reach nerve tissues that are starved from oxygen and revitalise the cells. A 14 year long study in England has proven that Oxygen therapy is able to reduce symptoms in MS patients, increase their overall wellness and stabilise their long term function.


Those with moderate symptoms generally have a lot of benefit from this therapy however patients with more severe symptoms have also seen an increase in their mobility, energy and  bladder control. There are now over 60 centres just in the UK that are currently treating patients with MS! It is important to remember that Oxygen therapy will not cure MS but will prevent the symptoms and slow the spread of the neurological damage throughout the nervous system. Helping to stabilise patients suffering from MS is an exciting step in the treatments of Multiple Sclerosis.




Links to HBOT and MS



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