What causes aging?
Aging is caused by a number of factors these processes can interact together. Some causes of aging include mutations, aggregation of proteins, telomere shortening, side reactions and oxidative stress. The continuous damage that happens to these structures result in the aging process. Cell growth in the body needs oxygen in order to thrive. One of the factors that affects aging is a decreased of oxygen supply to the cells and tissues this is due to the alveoli losing their shape, thus the diaphragm becoming weaker decreasing its ability to inhale and exhale.
How can HBOT prevent aging and promote wellness?
Dr. Shai Efrati released a study in which he found that the effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) can target aging and reverse it at the cellular level. The effects of HBOT can be regenerative in the aging process of the body. In the study Dr Shai Efrati put 30 people over the age of 62 in the chamber for 5 days for 3 months, the results they saw were astonishing. The combination 100% Oxygen with increased pressure causes the oxygen to dissolve into the plasma this way the oxygen reaches body tissue up to four times deeper, every cell gets a mega burst of oxygen . They found the oxygen affected the DNA it restores the tips of the DNA called telomeres and restored them to 20/30% , HBOT regenerated the cells DNA closer to its original copy.
Links to information on HBOT and prevention of aging