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What is Alzheimer's?

Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia amongst older adults. Alzheimer's is a disease that gets worse over time due to complex changes in the brain after cell damage. The brain cells die because the amyloid plaque and tangled bundles of fibre block brain signals. This process then causes inflammation and cell death. Research has shown that chronic inflammation can lead to significant tissue damage resulting in memory loss, cognitive decline, and the inability to recognize familiar people and places.  

How does HBOT help Alzheimers?

When doing HBOT treatment the patient breathes in  100% oxygen in a pressurized Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber. At pressures greater than normal, the body can take in more oxygen into the blood cells, blood plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, and other body fluids. The increased oxygen absorption experienced during HBOT increases stem cell circulation and enhances the body’s ability to heal itself.  Known effects of HBOT include reduced inflammation, repair of damaged tissue, promotion of the growth of new blood vessels, inducing production of new neurons in the brain, and suppression of oxygen radicals due to its ability to increase the activity and number of oxygen radical-fighting enzymes.  The reduction of inflammation allows for an increase of healthy blood flow to the brain.  Research on Alzheimer's and HBOT have shown a decrease in microglia surrounding the amyloid plaques and fewer proinflammatory cytokines. Furthermore a reduction in,  hypoxia levels and a reduced number of amyloid plaques all result in the improvement of cognitive and anxiety like behaviours.  

Links to more information on Altzheimer's and HBOT

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