What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a skin condition. Psoriasis causes flaky patches of skin which form scales. On brown and black skin psoriasis may appear purple or dark brown and the scaled may look grey, and on white skin the patches can look pink and red and the scales white or silvery.
Patches of psoriasis normally appear on the knees, scalp, elbows and lower back however psoriasis can also appear anywhere on the body. Symptoms of psoriasis are usually a result of the immune system causing inflammation of the body.
When a person who suffers from psoriasis has an infection or injury the immune system has to work to combat it however those with psoriasis will see that their immune system is overworking that it results in chronic inflammation. Hormonal triggers and stress are also triggers for psoriasis to appear on the skin.
How can HBOT help treat Psoriasis?
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can help reduce systemic inflammation by increasing the levels of oxygen in your body. The high-pressure oxygen fed into your bloodstream can help get the immune system under control.
Psoriasis can cause significant damage to the body’s tissues but with Hyperbaric Oxygen the damage to the skin can be repaired. The oxygen-saturated blood can reach damaged areas more efficiently so those tissues can start healing. A hyperbaric treatment can stimulate the formation of new blood vessels and helps heal tissues that were damaged by psoriasis.
There are numerous infections that can contribute to an autoimmune response and HBOT can help fight serious infections with pressurised oxygen.